Category Archives: friendship

‘Call me Caitlyn Jenner’- Vanity Fair Shoot 

Goodbye Bruce Jenner, Hello Caitlyn Jenner!

We knew the time was coming to say goodbye to former Olympian Bruce Jenner and welcome his new family identity… We just didn’t know it would happen to fast. Bruce decided to welcome his new identity on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine with the title ‘Call me Caitlyn.’

According to The source, Caitlyn specifically didn’t want her name to start with a K so he could be considered his own person. If his name had started with a K he would be identified with the Kardashians.

Caitlyn took to her Twitter page and said how excited he was for the Vanity Fair Cover to come out so the world can get to know Caitlyn.

Jenner told the editor of Vanity Fair that Bruce was “always telling lies.” (She even describes doing public appearances after winning the gold medal, where “underneath my suit I have a bra and panty hose and this and that and thinking to myself, They know nothing about me. . . . Little did they know I was totally empty inside.”) Caitlyn, she says, “doesn’t have any lies.”

We are so proud of you Caitlyn and we can’t wait to get to know you!

Is Miley Cyrus dating Liam Hemsworth AGAIN?

It doesn’t seem like Miley Cyrus is pining away over ex love Patrick Schwarznegger but more so has eyes for her ex fiance Liam Hemsworth.

The two were spotted having a date night at the SoHo House in West Hollywood and according to sources the pair seemed very ‘coupley.’

Maybe all the couple needed was a break to understand that they are meant to be together and re embrace on their love. The reason for the breakup was that Miley needed to be herself and didn’t feel she could be herself in front of Liam.

Miley is now at a good place where she knows who she is and ready to move forward with her life.


Justin Bieber Roast “Selena Gomez had sex with You proving Mexicans will do the disgusting jobs Americans just won’t do.” – Jeff Ross

The Justin Bieber roast was funny as hell and I’ve got to say I thought it was definitely worth watching.  Continue reading Justin Bieber Roast “Selena Gomez had sex with You proving Mexicans will do the disgusting jobs Americans just won’t do.” – Jeff Ross